Appropriate furniture for the attic

Urban chic is entering a serious stage of . You can achieve this style of furniture, albeit not live in the attic. Rough walls of crude industrial form, as if that part of an abandoned factory building and furniture from synthetic materials – these are the characteristics of this style in the interior. Attic in the highly urbanized cities are springing up like mushrooms after rain.

furniture design and interior
furniture design and interior
Much of the population is forced to one reason or another to occupy such housing. Consider, however, is not so bad to live in large loft studio apartment, industrial-looking protsortsi high from floor to ceiling, complete with shiny, Italian mebeli.Tova are only opportunities, but not all live in attics. However, it is fun to fantasize sometimes. Be flexible. Attics are a few walls and lots of space with undefined function. Typically, individual rooms are not clearly defined. Wonderful for them that are like blank canvas on which we can do everything. The possibilities are endless. Who says that the bed should be placed against the wall? In the attic, you can place it in . Kitchen island and could thus serve as a dining table, and office work.
the center of the room
the center of the room

Minimized. People make mistakes as congestion narrow space. A loft must be free and spacious, but this must be and furnishing. Nobody likes a mess, so are suitable furniture with a very limited number. Stir and mix. Not stay in one style or period. Comparing classical performance with new, modern with Traditional, with baroque curves. For modernism is clearly one – he could be paired with anything. For example, try combining a rotating chair fiberglass since 1950 with sexy leather couch. clean lines
clean lines
clean lines

Invest in . Select models tested time. Vskusovete people change a lot, but the classics never go out of fashion. Look for classic furniture and future: investing in exceptional patterns, handmade, which produced now to exist forever. Play with proportions. Use furniture that really do work and can be used, not just those who are there only because they must. There’s so small and compact furniture that actually have a completely useless and uncomfortable. Attics usually have and high ceilings. Long sofa, which can provide enough space for all are perfect, so are all major light furniture.
iconic furniture
iconic furniture
 Get konstrast by Dimensions of the furniture. Take and floor lamp, which resembles a massive photographic light projector, which illuminates the whole space and do so as it seems even wider. Do not block the view. Allow provide views out free. Because this equipment must be low and horizontally arranged not vertically. Appropriate furniture mainly sofas, chairs and side tables.
large windows
large windows
large windows

. Newly built attic rooms tend to be smaller, and the space they are considered luxury. Therefore, any furniture must serve multiple needs. Look for storage solutions. Low dressing and low beam on the wall cupboards, wardrobes and not high, which occupy much of space in the room. There are certainly many ways to do so attic room seem cozy, spacious and even elegant.

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